Monday, December 31, 2018

New Year's Resolutions

What are your New Year's resolutions for 2019? I'll tell you some of mine: First off, I want to finish off certain anime I held off for a long while like Naruto Shippuden, G Gundam, and Bodacious Space Pirates, read more manga like Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball, and continue my work on Anime Feet. I know this is stupid of me to post this if it have nothing to do with female feet but I want to learn more about your goals. I even told you my plans on Foot Queen Awards and I had took some advice from guys like Dan Boccia and KingsSideCastle, so I want to see how this will play out. Please look forward for upcoming posts from me, Custom, I had a few I finished recently.


  1. A lot of projects I'm hoping to clear this year. I want to update the site look a little bit and do some new articles that I've been working on for awhile. Maybe bring some classics as well. :-)

    Excited to see what foot scenes we get in 2019. :-)
