Monday, March 21, 2022

Air Gear: Ringo Noyamano

Ringo is the magenta haired current 'Thorn Queen', leader of 'Sleeping Forrest', a second generation gravity child, and is the female protagonist of the show. Most of the time she is quite friendly and caring and wishes she could ride her air trecks without putting her life on the line.  But...she also has no problem paralyzing Simca and nearly killing Ikki in a battle.  


  1. Love her outfit in the sequel series. I still am unsure of why she ripped one of her pants legs off.

    1. Asymmetrical fashion style. Oh Great! just wouldn't be himself without show off some skin.

    2. Well what she did was extended her leg right in front of his face while wearing her blades, and just literally cut off her pants leg with a razor blade before challenging him to a match. Style reminds me kind of like Kizuna from Pilot Candidate, or a female version of Zack Ryder from years ago.

    3. Ye, and Kanzaki Kaori(actually worn to enact a spell, no joke) from Raildex. Dunno what it symbolizes in Japan but I know tearing your jeans is a statement of anger or rebellion, so to go as far as the entire leg, wew...

  2. Didn't really have a best girl in this one but she was alright, I guess. Kinda had this weird Cutie Honey vibe to her.
    Also, are those later shots from the OAV?
