Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Best Tootsie Close-Up (Foot Queen Awards 2019)

Thanks to Dan Boccia, once again, here's the next category: Who has the Best Tootsies up close and person? Vote now until the end of the month!


  1. I liked the shot you used for Haruka. ^_^

    1. Not a barefooter, but barefoot quite a bit. Take it from me. And yes KSC, that is one of her best shots. Even her toenails are perfect despite the fact she had been stuck like that for a few hours.

    2. So there's no true barefooter?

    3. My definition of a true barefooter is one who prefers to be that way all the time, no matter the conditions. To them, you could say it's a way of life. Mavis Vermilion, Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV, Morigana, and Inuyasha are true examples of that. Haruka may not be one, but I love her just the same. Not just for her feet, but her personality. Personality is everything. That's why she got my vote in this poll. I apologize if I got a little too deep there.

    4. I agree with the personality part. You got to see what's inside of the person, not just their looks. I had met some truly kind and friendly girls in anime. I do love Morgiana for being a sweet to her friends and being awesome as an redhead.
