Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Brain Powered: Quincy Issa

Quincy is a reclaimer who pilots the Red Quincy Grand.  She is the older sister of Yuu Isami and often resents him.


  1. Wow, I really loved this series. Paganax, I'm surprised you went back to it after drafting it a long time ago. I really wish the best for Quincy (or Iiko as that was her original birth name) because of her troubled past. You found some real good ones here.

    1. I really need to watch this anime.

    2. First read about it in a Animerica magazine, think it was an Amanda Winn-Lee interview where they mentioned it?
      Heard it was a bit of a train wreck, then again, it was a kill-em-all Tomino direction...

    3. No, the kill em all didn't happen here Ben. It wasn't perfect, but most of the characters survived. It's quite an interesting watch.

    4. In fact, I think it was only one character that perished. And they weren't a major player either.

    5. If you're going for death, at least actually make it meaningful and not just cheap shock-tainment (Zeta "can't write a semi-decent female character to save your soul" Gundam). But that's surprising to hear.

    6. Yeah, the Orphan crew is a great bunch of people. Hime, Kanan, and Higgins are my favorites. Dr. Carrier, Comodo, and the child Akari are pretty good too.

    7. Oops, excuse me. I meant the Novis Noah crew. They're the good guys.
