Friday, January 18, 2019

Ronja the Robber's Daughter: Ronja

She's the protagonist and the only child of a bandit chief who grew up among a clan of robbers who are living in a castle in the woodlands of early-Medieval Scandinavia. She learns a lot of the outdoors and the wilderness along discovering new creatures and mysterious around her. She then met a boy named Birk, who was a member of her tribe's rival clan and was the leader's son. I won't go over every episode because there are too many foot shots within this series so I'm going to post a few here from the first two episodes, if you want more, let me know.

Episode 2


  1. Such an adorable girl! Do you know if she has more dirty feet shots?

    1. Yes, she will have dirty foot shots. It will get better, Layne. I had planned to post more if you need dirty female feet so badly.

    2. Sounds perfect! I can't wait to see them!

  2. I know you do. And I also know KSC will like this and want more.

  3. Great! Another barefooter at least! You should cover everything about her, this is priceless!
