Friday, January 18, 2019

Sekirei: Benitsubasa & Haihane

Benitsubasa is also known as the 'Crimson (Red) Sekirei', she is a 'third generation' member of the MBI Disciplinary Squad. She is a hand-to-hand fighter, similar to Musubi, with a habit of sticking her tongue out while fighting. She wears a kimono-like shirt with one sleeve missing, and pink hair in a side ponytail with two daisy clips.

Haihane is a member of the Disciplinary Squad. She wears a tattered kimono over her bandaged body, has dishevelled grey hair and narrow eyes giving her a slightly Grim Reaper-like appearance.Even though she has dark or gothic appearance, it does not reflect her personality. She is more cheerful and calmer than Benitsubasa, who is a target of her teasing.


There was more of
Benitsubasa then Haihane


  1. I was just going to ask you when you were going to post something new. And now here it is. Love the old slip on a banana peel scene. Classic!

  2. O.O It's finally up. *Celebrates* Awesome Dean.

  3. This is a waste I don't know why I upload this
