Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Sekirei: Kusano

She is commonly referred to as 'Kū-chan', "Green Girl" or "Green Lady". Her "regulations" (regulator Sahashi Takami) are still incomplete and her powers are uncontrollable, which is why her powers tend to go out of control and causes the plants around her to grow when she's sad or upset. This causes her to be trapped in the botanical garden after an attempted winging of her by Mikogami Hayato with #43 Yomi on his side. She calls Minato, Onii-chan (older brother), and is the most attached to him. She does not like fighting or quarreling and she can be seen stopping them when they start. She's influenced and sometimes copies Musubi, Tsukiumi and Kazehana's actions. She has expressed a desire to be Minato's wife when she grows up. Her name (kusa+no) literally means a "grass field". Her power can be difficult to control because of her age and because her adjustment wasn't finalized. She has a very close sibling-like relationship with #107 Shiina, despite the fact that his power is naturally opposite of hers. In the manga, when Minato initially brought her to Izumo Inn, Asama Miya drew and pointed a sword at Minato's face for she thought that Minato had kidnapped her. Miya's nickname for Kusano is "Adopted Child".


  1. She's really cute. ^_^

    Great job on this series Dean. :-)

    1. King, does she look familiar to you?

    2. I know her from this series. :-)

      Who does she remind you of?

    3. I don't know but I can't remember.

  2. She's the one who I was waiting for. Absolutely adorable! Nicely done Dean.

    1. Why her? Why were you waiting for her to show up?

    2. Because I saw her in some of the other shots, and I thought she looked really cute. So I knew Dean would do a post for her, and here it is. A fabulous post for a polite and friendly young lady.

    3. I see. What would you do with her feet?

    4. If Kusano's okay with it, tickle and massage them.

    5. @Custom: Check your email for a fun idea.

    6. Dan, I checked out the idea and it was a bit tough to come up with.

    7. I know. We'll talk more later.

  3. Ah, she is such an adorable girl! Good to see she also has no problems going barefoot outside!
