Thursday, January 10, 2019

The Grimoire of Zero: Zero (Episodes 1-3)

She's the main heroine, a skillful witch despite her young age and is proficient in both Sorcery and Magic, having developed Magic instead later on. Despite her expertise in magic, she does not know much of the outside world like daily stuff normal people would do like shopping and paying items at stores and remain clueless to basic knowledge, such as kissing or hanging out with friends and during embarrassing situations, she don't see the big deal and think they're normal. She is Mercenary's partner after she made a contract that she will return him back to his human form after he was turned into a Beastfallen as long as they get the Grimoire of Zero, a book that hid a deadly power that can destroy the world and all of magic. While she prefers to get her feet dirty, she doesn't complain when she put on a pair of boots as part of her series' outfit.
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3

Layne will be proud of Zero: "Dirty Girls' Feet Rocks!"


  1. Replies
    1. This is the first part. The second part will be out within a few days.

  2. This is what I'm talking about with this blog so peaceful relaxing.
    And excellent post Custom

  3. Replies
    1. I had another post on Zero but it will out within a few days.

  4. Love a girl who loves to get her feet dirty! I hope we get to see the bottoms all black!

    1. I hope so. Layne, can you still do roleplays?

    2. Yeah, I still can. Why do you ask?

    3. Because of your illness and I was wondering if we're going to finish with the Komura roleplay.

    4. Well, I'm all better now. And I'll continue whenever I can.

    5. That's good. Do you think you can continue the roleplay today or tomorrow?

    6. It seems like you can still keep going with roleplaying. I'll be waiting for you on Discord.
