Friday, February 8, 2019

HeartCatch Precure: Itsuki Myodoin

She's the Student Council President of Myoudou Academy Junior High School and she is the granddaughter of Myoudouin Gentarou. Because of her disguise of a boy, some students mistaken her as one. She is a princely, respected girl who care deeply for her friends and strangers alike regarding the gender, she is gentle and gets excited when she sees anything that looks cute things like clothes and toys. Her reason for cross-dressing is to be the substitute as the heir of the school and dojo in place of her ailing older brother. As Cure Sunshine, she has light-type attacks based on the sunlight.


  1. Always love a martial artist. Good post Custom.

  2. More PreCure girls coming up, KSC.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. speaking of which Custom 958 in Star Twinkle PreCure episode 1 there is a barefoot shot of Hikaru Hoshina
