Thursday, February 21, 2019

Key the Metal Idol: Sakura Kuriyagawa

She's Key's oldest friend, an independent and kind young woman who is very protective to Key like a older sister, and sometimes, worries about her in certain dire situations. She lives alone at an apartment and works several jobs from delivering pizza to running a rental video store. Both she and Key go to the same middle school together in Mamio Valley and later became best friends due to their similar troubled pasts She also developed an romantic relationship with Tataki after meeting him at the video store. These pictures are from Episodes 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 14 and 15. I have to thank Dan Boccia for letting me his images for this post, so thank you, Dan for helping me out.
Episode 2

Episode 4

Episode 5

Episode 7

Episode 9

Episode 14

Episode 15



  1. Great post. ^_^ I like her red outfit in this.

  2. Awesome Custom! My pleasure providing most of these. I just wish Sakura had a happier ending. God bless her.

    1. I'm glad you love her. She could have been your weakness as an foot fetishist.
