Friday, March 8, 2019

Ashigei Shoujo Komura-San: Chapter 12 Highlights

Here we are, the 12th chapter of this foot fetish manga, today, we will be dealing with the infamous public morals committee, Kiritsu Taiga, who want to stop Komura and her foot acrobatics for breaking the school rules.
Those poor feet of Komura... Curse you, Kiritsu Tagia!
Cool it, Taiga!
As you can see, Kiritsu hates Komura's feet and her foot acrobatics for disturbing the school rules even though it's not her fault. Not much on the new stuff with Komura's feet since Kiritsu ruined it but the sword grab Komura did with her feet has been done before in the past but she is one rarity. Anyway, the next chapter will have Komura getting soaked wet! Will Kiritsu and the public morals committee be the main villain of this foot story? Or will there be any more anti-foot fetishists in the future? Next time on Ashigei Shoujo Komura-san!