Monday, March 4, 2019

Future Posts

Do you think that you can post every single day for a year like 365/366 posts without rest whatsoever? I'm asking you this because there will be some days that the blog will not have any posts or drafts, I mean, does this blog even skip a day of posting or have anyone constantly updating this site? I am not saying that you should stop but there are times you could reach your peak before stopping, there are many things that an person can do without wearing him/herself out.


  1. Posting every day for a year is not an easy task. Only one poster on the site has successfully managed to do that. It is really impressive if you are able to do that but it is not required. Go at a pace that is comfortable for you and don't burn yourself out.

    1. I mainly started posting every day because I was just restoring the ones that were deleted

    2. It's really impressive that you were able to pull it off. I think my record for consecutive days of posting is a couple of months at most.

    3. Well my work hours are 5 hours a day so I’ve got a lot of time on my hands but I way not be able to post as much until my Crunchyroll membership gets renewed

    4. You're an Crunchyroll member, GumballW?

    5. King, who is that poster who actually post every day?

    6. Why did you do it besides bringing back deleted posts? I cannot keep up.

  2. I could never do that. Don't have enough material, and you should never overexert yourself. My hats off to the one who successfully did it for a year. Impressive!

  3. Rebecca the panther feet, please.
