Sunday, March 24, 2019

Nanatsu No Bitoku: Raphael

Continuing with the Seven Heavenly virtue series... Her is a tribute to the Angel of Temperance Raphael. 😇
(These are from the Nanatsu no Bitoku ending credits and Special Episode 2. Once again a Huge Thank you to Noah for recommending this anime. ^_^)

The Seven Mortal Sins wikipedia page describes Raphael as a "fan of Gyaru culture" who loves sweets. In case you guys are wondering...Gyaru is term used to describe people that follow the Japanese Street Style fashion trend.

As with the other Virtues, Raphael is sent to Earth with the hopes of training a future Messiah. In the anime, Raphael winds up encountering an aspiring pastry chef that she thinks has the qualities that would make a good messiah. However, she discovers his passion for baking and doesn't want to deprive him of his dream of becoming a great chef so erases the memory of her meeting him from his mind.

I like Raphael's character design. Her default outfit sort of has a catholic schoolgirl appearance but there are some nice touches to it that tell you about her character. I like the Temperance belt buckle letting everyone which virtue she represents. Also if you look closely at her shoes you can see small angel wings on them representing her heavenly origin. It is very cute. ^_^

All right everyone. Still more virtues left to tribute. ^_^ 

Enjoy the rest of the weekend  and as always... more to come soon. :-)