Thursday, March 28, 2019

Nanatsu No Bitoku: Sandalphon

Continuing with the Seven Heavenly Virtue tributes... the next Angel up is the Angel of Dilligence Sandalphon.😇 
Sandalphon also has a sister named Metatron who we will see in Tomorrow's tribute.
(These are from the Nanatsu No Bitoku ending credits as well as episodes 4 and 10 and Special Episodes 1 and 2. Once again a Huge Thank you to Noah for recommending this series.)

Sandalphon is a genius inventor who comes up with a lot of creative inventions such as technology that analyzes intentions or hide the angels from being seen by humans. In her featured episode (Episode 4), she tries to help a potential messiah succeed in life by getting him to study hard for his test. Unfortunately he finds it extremely difficult to concentrate with a hot female angel around. The methods that Sandalphon uses to boost his concentration always seem to backfire. For example she makes him a meal so he can focus on studying but doesn't wear anything underneath her cooking apron. She also builds a machine to allow the potential messiah to clean himself fast but the machine cleans her instead. Seeing the machine soap up and scrub her body does very little to help his concentration. As it turns out the potential messiah does manage to just barely pass his test but that just makes Sandalphon want to help him study even more.

One of these I'm going to do a list of characters with names that make you think fetish and Sandalphon would be on it. This virtue has Sandal in her name. ^_^ She is really attractive character and very smart as well. She is really fun to watch on screen. :-)

Ok everyone... The final heavenly virtue tribute will be tomorrow! It should be a really fun one so stay tuned. ^_^ 


  1. I always think it's super cute to see a girl with blue hair like that if the exact same hair color I wanted use for my character from in My anime

  2. Blue hair girls rock I gotta see this anime

    1. Yeah blue haired girls are great...It's fun. It is a very short series though. Each episode is 3 minutes or less.

    2. Wait...what? Also what's up with that weird pause? Lol

    3. The Nanatsu No Bitoku anime is a series of mini episodes so each episode has a 3 minute runtime. It is a very quick series. You can watch the entire 12 episode anime in under an hour.

      I use the 3 dots (ellipses) to respond to two separate thoughts. One was a response to your opinion on blue haired women. The other segment was a response to your interest in the anime. ^_^
