Saturday, March 2, 2019

Xeno Foot Festival

It's time for another day at the Foot Festival, today, we'll be taking a trip through the sci-fi metaseries created by Monolith Soft and Tetsuya Takahashi, the Xeno franchise. This will covers all of the main games within the series and not the spinoffs or remakes. Tell me whose feet do you want to worship or play with.


Xenosaga/Episode II/Episode III

Xenoblade Chronicles/X/Chronicles 2 


  1. Nice... I have to go with Ellie and Shion as my favorites the leads from Xenogears and Xenosaga respectively. I like the female robots Kos-Mos and T-elos too. I still haven't gotten a chance to play Xenoblade yet.

    1. What kind of video game systems do you have?

    2. I think you asked me this before on another post or e-mail. For the most recent systems I have a PS4 and 3DS.
