Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Ashigei Shoujo Komura-San: Chapter 17 Highlights

This is the chapter I told you that it was disturbing to me because of what had happened here. So here is the third and final part of the post I told you about.
Here's a bonus page...
As you can see here in this chapter, Komura's feet has a sweetened flavor that draws in different insects (I don't know why anyone couldn't just shut the windows before this happened) and Komura should at least keep her feet away from the open. Anyway, like I said, I found this chapter disturbing because of how idiotic this was, it could've been all avoided if they close the windows and turn on the air-condition because this seems to be a hot day.


  1. You hit the nail right on the head custom. This is idiotic, and it creeps me out. Thank goodness she didn't attract more bees, as she'd put herself in danger, and anyone passing by would be walking right into a s***storm.

    1. I seriously agree with you because this is just too stupid to be good. I can't believe this chapter happened.

  2. I would definitely want to work on this if this ever became an anime series

  3. I always knew Komura had sweet feet.

    It seems like this chapter "bugged" people. I will say this though. That's a lucky Mosquito getting to suck Komura's toe.

    1. Dude, that mosquito may carry malaria with it.

    2. Unlikely otherwise Komura would be shown getting sick in the next chapter.

    3. I guess logic means nothing to you since it is not much of a story-driven manga.

  4. Can't really blame those bugs, she does have nice feet.
