Monday, April 8, 2019

Brain Powerd: Hime Utsumiya

Hime is a young 18 year-old girl and the female lead character of the story. She comes into contact with an organic plate which later witnessed its revival into an Antibody, a Brain Powerd, and became its pilot. Supposedly she was chosen to become Orphan's force of hope in giving understanding to its intention to move freely, which in the end she gave Orphan the meaning of life after trying to rescue Quincy Issa, like a lone seed growing to become a garden of beauty. Hime is a lovable, kind-hearted person who is very loyal to Yuu Isami. She has a greater sense of adaptational heroism and courage to protect the world from many sinister threats. During the times in dangerous events, she expresses her fear and despair towards her duty and Yuu. During the rest of the series, Hime starts to develop a romantic relationship with Yuu, so that the hatred will never get the better of her and her boyfriend. The following images are from episodes 3 and 4. Hime is seen barefoot in the first set of images, and in socks in the second set. A special thanks goes out to Custom for providing me with GIFs for 2 scenes made from the images here. Update 7/9/19: I replaced most of the images in this post with improved quality DVD screenshots. 


I decided to do this post after the positive reception given to Hime in my last post. So I hope you all enjoy my tribute to the spunky redhead here. Till next time, guys!


  1. I haven't seen this anime but I will later this year. I know this mecha anime is from Yoshiyuki Tomino a year before Turn A Gundam.

  2. By the way, I appreciate that you used the GIFs I made for this post, Dan. You're welcome.

  3. Nice Gallery, but I already had Brain Powered Reserved.

    1. Oh, sorry Paganax. I had no clue, I checked drafts and scheduled posts, but saw nothing reserved for Brain Powerd. I'll keep this post with your permission, but you can have everything else for the series.

    2. Oh man, I need to get something old to post.

    3. You do have Battle Athletes Victory.

  4. No Problem, I Think you just misspelled 'Powered'. We have way to many galleries in Draft anyways; my guess is after September the number of series a person can have will be limited, that will be big help.
    Did you have more galleries in the series done, or did you want to do them?

    1. No, this was it. And the only other Hime thing I have is my customized images of her, as she is part of my Zubon Hadashi Girlfrinds club. And I actually didn't misspell Powerd, as that is the official spelling for that series. I know it sounds weird, but check out the official Japanese website here:
      But for some reason, Bandai's later DVD releases spell it Powered. So, both spellings are acceptable. And I did check them both just to be sure. The main series is all yours. 😊

    2. How many girls are there in this anime?

    3. Quite a few, and most of them are seen nude in the opening theme. There's Quincy Issa, Kanan Gimms, Anoa McCormick, Higgins Saz, Dr. Irene Carrier, Comodo Mahama, Naoko Isami, Shiela Glass, Midori Isami, and Akari. Check out their profiles on the official site, and Wikipedia

    4. I see. I did said that I might watch this mecha anime later this year.

    5. Yea, I got the name off of the DVD. I did the same thing with Oreimo; Gumball had a gallery for Kirino under the title 'My little sister can't be this cute' and didn't realize it until after completing the series. It's part of the reason I'm hoping Kingsidecastle eventually limits how many series one can reserve in advance.

      As for how many girls in the series, at least 10 if they all have foot shots.

  5. She looks like Orihime from early Bleach.

    1. She does. Less ditzy than Orihime, but just as caring and smart.

  6. Hot!!! Hime is awesome. Great post Dan. :-)
