Thursday, April 4, 2019

Custom Images: Zubon Hadashi Girlfriends Private Eyes

Today's post is of my customized edits of the eight girls that make up my barefoot girls club, the Zubon Hadashi Girlfriends. If you don't remember or haven't seen my post about clubs, go here. And my original custom images of the eight girls were featured in this post. In the following images, the girls are dressed as barefoot private eyes, they're watching you, they see your every move...oops, sorry bout that. Accidentally started reciting the old Hall and Oates song from 1981. Anyway, each girl is seen in a different color trench coat, and fedora hat. They use this gimmick occasionally (not every time) when they go on adventures involving heavy detective work and investigating skills, like in the style of Philip Marlowe or Sam Spade. Now, without further ado, the private eyes, they're watching you, watching you, watching you, watch-...whoops, did it again. My apologies, here we go...

First, we have Private Eye Haruka in red

Private Eye Sarah in yellow

Private Eye Tamao in purple

Private Eye Nayuta in sky blue

Private Eye Hime in green

Private Eye Frances in orange

Private Eye Sora in blue

And last, but certainly not least, Private Eye Erika in pink

Maybe they should be referred to as private feet or private toes instead of private eyes. Just kidding, ha ha! As always, comment below, and feel free to let us know which one (or ones) you like the best. Until next time guys, see ya!


  1. I cannot make these good customized images, Dan. Do the Zubon Hadashi Girlfriends have an rival club or love their bare feet?

    1. No rivals. And believe me, if they didn't love going barefoot, they wouldn't be a club. These images were difficult to get just right.

    2. I see. Do you think that they can be popular?

    3. I want them to be. Anything is possible with a strong fan base. I'd even be happy if they reached a cult following.

    4. Ok. Maybe their feet are like a selling point.

    5. Bingo! And I'd be already sold. Got any favorites of the bunch?

    6. If you're talking about these girls, it will be Haruka, Sarah, Sora and Hime.

    7. I wonder can they be barefoot goddesses.

  2. Gumshoes with no shoes. ^_^ Nicely done Dan. :-D

    1. Oh wow, that's another good pun KSC! Never would have thought of that.

    2. @KSC: Do you have any favorites of my 8 detectives?

    3. I like Hime. :-) Haruka makes a cute detective too.

    4. Haruka appreciates that. And Hime does look great. She is the oldest girl in the club, so it's no surprise that she's popular here.
