Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Phi Brain: Nonoha Itou

Nonoha is an athletic tomboy with a photographic memory.  Although terrible at puzzles she excels at almost everything else, especially sports.  She is a member of Root Academy Pro Wrestling, Amateur wrestling, Judo, Swimming, and many other clubs. She earns the name 'Nightingale' during season one, a title she doesn't initially like having the nickname as students with official nicknames tend to be 'weirdos'.  She has a crush on Kaito Diamon and in season one is the only one not to turn her back on him when the Armlet of Orpheus takes possession of him.



  1. I keep seeing Kaito and all i can literally think of is Kaito Kusanagi

  2. Nice Paganax. ^_^ She seems like a fun character.
