Friday, April 19, 2019

Railgun: Imoto Misaka aka Misaka 10032 (Figure)

I originally found the figure featured in this tribute along with one of the figures from last week's post and one from next week's set. I was confused about their similarities initially thinking they were variants of the same model. Later when I saw they had different names I thought they were relatives. As it turns out though, this one and next week's model are actually clones of Misaka. ^_^
Imoto Misaka aka Misaka 10032
I like that goggle accessory that this character is wearing. It seems to really set this clone up as a character with a distinct personality. :-)  Misaki 10032 seem she's pretty smart

One of these days I'm going to have to watch this Certain Magical Index/Railgun series. I think discovering that the series had clones in it knocks it up a couple of spots in my watch list (especially since Misaki 10032 is really hot). You know if there are clones in a series it has to be pretty complex. :-) I love that type of science fiction angle. ^_^

I'm probably going to be away over the next couple of days celebrating the Holidays so I might get behind on my e-mails and post comments. I'll try to catch up on everything when I get back. ^_^

Hope that everyone has a Happy Easter/Passover and Best wishes to all of you!


  1. Replies
    1. She's cute. I like the sci fi element. I want to see this series

  2. Same to you KSC. It's Easter for me. Talk to you again after the holidays. Another good-looking figure.
