Friday, April 12, 2019

Top 5 Foot Fetish “C**k Tease” Animes

A “C**k Tease” anime has multiple definitions but to me it's defined as an anime that leads you to believe that their female characters are eventually going to show their feet, then doesn't or puts them in environments or situations to the point of almost expecting them to be barefoot and doesn't let us see them. Today I’m going over 5 Animes that tend not to give us much foot scenes or none at all. Keep in mind none of these anime are bad far from it but they won't indulge your foot fetish that much.

Image result for pokemon sun and moon anime logo
5. Pokemon Sun & Moon

I'm putting this low on the list because well their are some good scenes in this anime so you're probably asking yourselves ''why it's even on the list at all?''. Simply put it's because it's not often and the environment that this series takes place in which is a tropical island and beaches you'd think they'd wear sandals, Lana does but even when she swims rarely takes them off. But aside from Lana the others barely give us any barefoot action.

Image result for my hero academia logo

4. My Hero Academia 

I've never seen one episode of this anime but I am aware that their are 6 female characters in Class 1-A and were only barefoot in a small scene in the first episode of the 3rd season. Keep in mind this anime is still going on so maybe there will be more in the future but from what I've seen so far my expectations are pretty damn low.

Image result for fullmetal alchemist logo
3. Fullmetal Alchemist

Again I've not seen much of this anime the first 12 episodes at most is what I've seen because i'm just not a big watcher of anime, recently I've been for the good of the blog. But aside from that one scene in episode 37 where Riza's foot gets licked by a dog it's the only good scene in the anime aside from Winry taking a bath in 1 episode. 

Image result for dragon ball super logo
2. Dragon Ball Super

I remember the good old days of a young Bulma and Maron but that was about it. Come to think of it the whole Dragon Ball anime not including the original Dragon Ball can be considered a ''C**k Tease'' anime because a side from a couple episodes with Bulma and Maron none of the other female characters show off their feet that much. Dragon Ball Super is no exception the only thing it gave us so far is a small shower scene with Bulma and a small scene of Android 18's foot when she hurt her ankle. Hey you can complain about filler all you want but a filler episode can give you a beach setting.

Image result for yu-gi-oh logo

1. Yu-Gi-Oh!

Do I really need to explain this one? OK for those who don't the original Yu-Gi-Oh! is my 2nd favorite anime next to the original Pokemon anime but in terms of foot scenes it and all the other spin offs are c**k teases after c**k teases. Tea Gardner only three times and were really breif one of them not even showing her toes, Alexis Rhodes not barefoot all in GX or ARC-V, Akiza I believe only once but was breif, Yuzu Hiragi none, Allie nope, Mai Valentine once and it wasn't even her it was Johnson a member of the Big 5 from the Noah arch. Seriously could you give us at least one, ONE!!!!! Yu-gi-oh! femaleprotaginist who wears sandals? Please.


  1. I agree with these anime needed more foot scenes. You can add in these anime too: Gundam, Initial D, Tales of, Sonic X, Hunter x Hunter and Gonna Be the Twin-Tail.

    1. Yes I agree with you about Gundam Custom. So many women on my wish list are from that series.

    2. I mean, a few foot scenes happened but mostly very short.

    3. There are a lot of characters in Gundam Seed whose feet I never got to see like the female captains.

    4. Well, I had ladies from Gundam 00 whose feet rarely shown.

    5. It is hard because a lot of them wear boots a lot.

    6. Of course, I think the only ones got actual barefooted scenes were from the Build series of Gundam like Fighters and Try.

  2. Replies
    1. Do you know any series that follows the same path like these anime shows here?

    2. Yeah most recently the show the Dragon prince has yet to give its female characters any barefoot scenes.

    3. Not every anime get barefoot scenes.
