Friday, May 31, 2019

Dai-Shogun: Great Revolution: Chiharu

Although she has the appearance of a pretty girl, she is actually half Inu and human, making her be around 250 years old. Her tail is always visible. She is a tough, take-no-prisoners, very fiery, and considerably aggressive yet vivacious person who has the unyielding personality of a tomboy. She is a semi-mystic that has been long living as a human and an outcast because she is half-demon. Once she met Keiichiro, she gradually developed a crush on him.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Dan
      Now just got to wait until King leaves a comment

    2. This anime really good to and funny.

    3. It looks like it's set in the 19th century.

    4. Well I just looked it up, and apparently, it is around that time period, but it's like if the Meiji restoration never happened. So Japan's pretty much separated from the rest of the world, crazy huh?

  2. O.O She is pretty and lucky character getting to lick her feet. ^_^
