Monday, November 9, 2020

Full Moon Wo Sagashite: Meroko Yui


Meroko is one half of the death spirits sent to watch over Mitsuki.  She is a normally upbeat and cheerful; but can become jealous when it seems like Mitsuki and Takuto is starting to become close.  Mitsuki is a much more by the book death spirit than Takuto and at first is not happy that Takuto gave Mitsuki the ability to turn into Full Moon.  She has an unhealthy and unprecipitated crush on Takuto.  Most likely this comes from a pair of bad relationships she had when she was alive that led her to commit suicide.  (All death spirits committed suicide and must forget everything about when they were alive or risk turning into a ghost.) She often turns into a stuffed rabbit.

Mostly socks picks this gallery.