Sunday, November 8, 2020

Full Moon Wo Sagashite: Mitsuki Kouyama; Part 1 of 2.

Mitsuki is a cheerful young orphan girl who dreams of becoming a pop star and meeting her crush, Eichi.  Unfortunately, she has a surly Grandmother who has an irrational hatred of music and attempts to stamp out her dream at every opportunity.  On top of that she has throat cancer and while there is a chance the cancer could be removed, doing so would risk her voice and it still might not work.  Finally, one day a pair death spirts (Takuto and Meroko) show up and tell her she has one year to live, and that they are there to watch over her and make sure her fate does not change.  Despite all that Mitsuki manages to remain upbeat.  

For all the terrible thing that have happened to her in her life she finally managed to get one piece  of good luck.  For reasons he doesn't really understand yet; Takuto decides to help Mitsuki achieve her dream by turning her into an older, cancer free version of herself called Full Moon. With a year left Mitsuki is determined to make it as a singer and find her Eichi.