Sunday, May 19, 2019

Game of Thrones Feet: Cersei Lannister

As you guys may know, the Game of Thrones Finale Airs Tonight. In honor of the conclusion of the series, I'll be doing some special tributes to the Game of Thrones women throughout the day. To kick things off here is a tribute to Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and Femme Fatale of the series Cersei Lannister. ^_^
Game of Thrones/Clash of Kings Comic Series
As hot as Lena Headey is portraying Cersei (and she undoubtedly is really hot), her Comic book counterpart takes the character's beauty to an even higher plane. This is particularly noticeably when the artist who drew the image above depicts her.
Title Drop ^_^
(These are a combination of webfinds of Cersei Lannister as well as the actress portraying her Lena with possibly some images of her scene double thrown into the mix. There are also some additional foot images of her from her comic book incarnation. ^_^)

Bonus: The Lannister Theme Song (The Rains of Castamere) Extended

Oh brother... If Game of Thrones had a main villainess, it would probably be Cersei Lannister. A beautiful and intelligent woman, Cersei is shown to be ruthless and ambitious. She is petty, cruel and power hungry and is willing to back-stab and manipulate to get what she wants. She is shown to be pretty adept at gaining power and maintaining it. She has some positive qualities as well. Shes care about her children and would do anything to help them.

An important note about this character (as shown in the last picture above) is that the Game of Thrones series gets its title from a quote Cersei gives to one of her political rivals that ultimately sums up the entire story in a single magnificent sentence .

"When you play the Game of Thrones you win or you die... there is no middle ground." -Cersei Lannister.

One of the most badass characters in the entire Game of Thrones series, whether you like you her or hate her, it is hard not to give her her props for how this character can blow her enemies away. If you encounter a character like this, it would probably be best bow before her and kiss her feet. It would be a lot safer that way. 

1 comment:

  1. Just a little note for these tributes. I worked on these before watching the Game of Thrones finale so I have yet to discover what the final outcome of the series is. I'll try to avoid major spoilers for the series as I work on these but I'll talk about each of the characters a bit so there may be a few minor spoilers regarding them here and there. There won't be anything worse than what the auto completes that pop up when you google Game of Thrones say.
