Sunday, May 19, 2019

Game of Thrones Feet: Missandei

Continuing with the Game of Thrones tributes. The next character up is Daenerys Targaryen's (aka the blonde woman with the dragons) advisor Missandei. ^_^
(Various webfinds of Missandei and her actresss Nathalie Emmanuel)

Missandei was a former slave that Daenerys freed. She worked as a language translator for Daenerys eventually becoming one of her top advisors. She is fiercely loyal to her queen. She also has a romantic relationship with one of Danerys' top warriors Grey Worm. :-)

I really enjoy watching Missandei on school. Her loyalty to the people she cares about is really touching and she's shown to be really intelligent particularly when it comes to language. She speaks 19 different language including common tongue, High and Low Valyrian and Dothraki; basically all the primary languages that we hear in Game of Thrones. Added onto that Missandei's actress Nathalie Emmanuel is super hot.

Without giving too much away Missandei has an amazing moment late in the series that shows her to be a really strong character that makes you admire her demination and loyalty to faction and Queen which she has dedicated her life to. 


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