Friday, June 14, 2019

Haiyore! Nyaruko-san: Nyaruko San (Figure)

Some figures are easier to decide to post than others. This one caught my attention because the model is actually putting her soles in my face. :-)
(Various webfinds of this figure and character. ^_^)

Model Specs:
Haiyore! Nyaruko-san
Size: 1/10th Scale 160mm (6.24in) 
Material: ABS, PVC
Released by: Wave
Series: Beach Queens

I was reading the description for the anime featuring this character on Wikipedia (Haiyore! Nyaruko-San aka Nyaruko: Crawling with Love) and it seems pretty interesting. Apparently the female lead of this anime, the woman this figure tribute is about, is  a  Lovecraftian creature of chaos called a Nyalarthothep. If you guys have read H.P. Lovecraft's stories, you know entities from his stories are not considered very cute but in this anime this character has the ability to take the form of an attractive silver haired girl. :-) In the series the Lovecraftian creatures are aliens and Nyaruko is part of Space Defense Agency designed to protect people from Aliens which are up to no good.

The model is really cute and I love its pose. ^_^ The Beach Queens figure line knows how to deliver. :-) You'll probably see more of this character as well others from the series on this site in the future. Definitely more models from the Beach Queen line to come as well..  



  1. Heard of this series and character, never watch it but this is very nice.

  2. On another note, DC release its newest solicitations for September, and on Action Comics #1015 reveals that DC's newest heroine, Naomi, is a semi-barefooter. Scroll down until you see Superman and Batman behind her:
