Friday, June 7, 2019

Ms. Vampire who lives in my neighborhood Poll

Dean told me that I should make a poll using his posts of this anime, "Ms. Vampire who lives in my neighborhood'. So I decided to do one. Whose has the best looking feet if you really have to choose?


  1. Replies
    1. I know I missed some pictures because I was waiting for Dean's posts to finish.

  2. I can see Aoki having a decent number of votes, but Natsuki having more than Sophie is an injustice IMO, the vampire got a pedicure and Akari learned from Ellie that Sophie's ticklish on her feet.

    1. I wouldn't say it's a theory, it's a matter of being a bit on the real side. I mean we all have our opinions though lol, hence why we're asked who do we think had it best lol. To be serious....

      Assuming by "best looking feet", you're referring to fap material, or at least have it listed as a major factor, I don't think in a real life scenario where we have anime foot fetishists watch this and ask them which feet they prefer, Natsuki would be the overall favorite, and if she DOES, it's gonna be very close, barely a win at that, and ultimately, just a matter of luck.

      If by "best looking feet" you're asking who do we think did it best, then OK, I can see why Natsuki has a lot of votes. Nothing to complain though.

  3. Personally, my favorite would have to be Natsuki, but my overall favorite that I'd ACTUALLY give my vote for would be Sophie just from Episode 7.
    To give an honest opinion, however, or an educated guess on whose feet is the best, rather, here's my thoughts, and I'm rating this from 5 to 1, 5 being last place, 1 being the best.

    5. I'd cross Yuu off the list because first off, she only has one good foot (which is admittedly good), and not only that, she BARELY even appears at all; you'll literally see her more in the OP than the actual show, you might as well remove her from the show altogether, and the anime would flow just fine without her, same can be said for another side character from this anime. If it were up to me, just from that second point alone, I'd disqualify her from the poll.

    4. In the anime, unless you count both the OP and ED for 3-4 seconds, Akari doesn't really have a notable foot shotside from her wearing sandals when finding Sophie under a shaded tree in broad daylight. Not to mention there are tons of anime girls with sandals out there that have FAR BETTER shots and fap material compared to Akari.
    It's worth mentioning that for the first half of the anime, up until episode 7, you'll only see her in her socks and slippers. The few shots where she IS barefoot, you'll only get shots from a distance.

    3. Ellie, I feel like is the better contender compared to Akari and Yuu because unlike them, she ACTUALLY has material to work with. While not often barefoot, unless you count the ED, she DOES provide sole shots, even when in her slippers. However, they're too few and far between, so you only really see the top part of her feet most of the time, and a heel shot if lucky.

    2. This was a tough choice, but if we're basing this on the most shots, it's definitely Natsuki. But it's not, and though this IS arguable and I can see both side, the silver would go to Natsuki, and here's why:
    While she DOES have excellent closeups, one of which has her stepping on a can, losing her balance, and you get to see her toes, a bit of sole, and watch her sandals fly off. You also get a bit of heel shots AND see a sole and toe shot of her in bed, and some nice toes when you see her in a kimono. Or is it a yukata? At the same time, while she DOES have more shots, as well as arguably better feet, there's one MAJOR factor that decided who has the best feet, which brings me to our winner.

    1. That said, I feel like Sophie has the best feet overall. Remember when just a second ago, how even though Natsuki has the most foot shots, and has arguably better feet, there's still a major factor that cost her a W, and what came down to it was simply who had the better fap material.
    And hear me out:
    While it's true Natsuki has better feet arguably, and has more foot shots than Sophie, Sophie has the better fap material. She has two closeups in Episode 7, while Natsuki only has 1 in Episode 4, and one (though it CAN be argued) midshot of her in bed where you get a good shot of her soles and toes.
    In the beginning of Episode 7, you see a closeup on her barefoot as she scrunches her toes at the beach avoiding sunlight AND you see her arches.
    Then there's the pedicure scene from the same episode, where you get a closeup on her toes (another toe scrunch), pedicured feet, a bit of ankle and heel, Akari holding her barefoot, AND learning from Ellie Sophie's ticklish on her feet. Who wouldn't wanna tickle Sophie and see her pedicured.

    Overall, it's debatable with Sophie and Natsuki, it's a matter of your personal preferences. They're the only real contenders. If we're going by fap material, it's definitely Sophie, but if we're going by who had the better shots, I'd say Natsuki has the W in that category. If we're going by sole shots, I'd give the award to Ellie. As far as best toes, it's a matter of preference between Sophie, Natsuki, and Yuu.

  4. To be honest, I love them all, and would love to get smothered by all of their dirty feet. But if you twisted my arm, Elly is gonna be my favorite.

    1. I see. You would love their dirty feet just because they're dirty.

    2. And because of the adorable girls as well, don’t forget!
