Friday, July 26, 2019

BlazBlue Alter Memory: Noel Vermillion (Updated)

I know that there was a post on Noel in Alter Memory but for some reason, the pictures are gone so I decided to update it with my own version of that post. These pictures are from Episodes 5 and 12 of the anime. To be perfect honest, while I do appreciate that BlazBlue was adapted into anime, it wasn't that good, especially how rushed it was since it used the first two main games as the plot, the first three episodes are based on Calamity Trigger while the rest of the anime is based on Continuum Shift.

Episode 5

Episode 12



  1. Kokonoe has a nice foots in the anime too

  2. Good restoration Custom. The other user probably removed himself from the blog. When that happens, his images disappear too.

  3. Thanks for updating that, man.
    I miss Anonymous, he had so many great posts back then.

    1. I think it was Bambino. Any removed users will always be listed as Anonymous.

    2. Not positive, but that's my guess.

    3. So I don't know if anyone is going to revive his posts.

  4. Replies
    1. I know there was an post like this before but the pictures were gone.
