Monday, July 1, 2019

Final Results (Foot Queen Awards)

Finally, after a close battle between these two heavyweights in the foot fetish department, the winner of the Foot Queen is...
With 234 votes, Lucy managed to beat Chihaya for the Foot Queen of Anime Feet with 25 more votes! I bet you all saw this one coming, so did I but Lucy's feet are an modern classic for foot fetishists. By the way, the results from previous polls will be out today, I'll leave you with some Lucy goodies.


  1. As i predict it that she would win.

  2. Hooray for Lucy! This was a much larger Victory margin this time. Special thanks to me for the opening Lucy image which I edited myself. I had been looking for good image of her in that outfit for a while now. Make sure Lucy hugs Wendy and Mavis when she receives her award.

    1. Actually, she did hugged them.

    2. Well I'm glad, that's nice. But in all fairness, I won't let Chihaya walk away empty-handed, since she did win the original poll. So, she'll receive an identical award for winning the first poll by a simple majority. I just don't want to make her feel like she got screwed.

    3. Don't worry, I will make a runner-up post on Chihaya.

    4. Good, cuz I don't want her to feel bad. And she gets a crown too, just like Lucy.

    5. It will be out next Monday on the 8th.

  3. Called it from the beginning. It's practically become a running gag in Fairy Tail that Lucy is the main source of fanservice in the series, most notably relating to her feet. She loses her shoes constantly, has been apart of atleast two tickling scenes and I think her little barefoot belly dance in Dragon Cry speaks for itself.

    It happens so often I'm amazed Lucy isn't just like "You know what, if Mavis can do it, then so can I" and just goes barefoot everywhere. Atleast then she'd save money on all the boots and high heeled shoes she wears that end up destroyed.

    1. Seriously, maybe she should have took care of her shoes.

    2. It's especially weird when you take into account how she's always complaining about not having enough money.

    3. Eh probably because Mashima thinks running jokes are funny, regardless of how long they last. Like Gray stripping, which might have been funny at first but now it's boring.

      But yeah, Lucy either need to buy stronger shoes or just make like Mavis and go barefoot all the time. Hell, if nothing else it'd toughen her up a bit, Vivi ran around rough stones for hours in her barefeet and didn't complain once.

    4. Do you hate the repetition?

    5. Of most of the jokes in Fairy Tail when i feel like they've run their course.

    6. So it's overdoned and outdated jokes.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I get the feeling Mashima pitched that detail to the guys writing the script.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. You want to thank him for that?

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Replies
    1. With that, Hiro has created a new series called Edens Zero, a character named Xiaomei serves as the story's narrator, and she goes barefoot all the time, she can be seen in these chapters Five: Thirty-One: Forty-Four to Forty-Eight:

      Its quite an interesting series, and there's other characters that are interesting but this character is a good start.
