Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Big Hero 6: Go Go Tomago w/ Honey Lemon

I've been wanting to do a tribute to Gogo for a long time but she doesn't really show off her feet that often. Finally 5 years after the Big Hero 6 movie was released, we were able to get some scenes for her in the Big Hero 6 Cartoon's second season

Chibi Gogo
An Animation

Concept Art for Go Go

This was a special picture beautifully created by artist DonVirus and commissioned by Match25 (The resident Master of Sole Shots) himself.

(This post also includes scenes from the Big Hero 6 Season 2 episode "7th Wheel" as well as caps of chibi version of the character from the Big Hero 6 special shot "Snoring" as well as images from the Big Hero 6 wiki. A huge thank you to Match for sending all of this material in. ^_^)

Gogo also has a barefoot cameo in this tribute to Honey Lemon here:

Gogo is a really cool character. She's smart and athletic. She likes sports such as ultimate frisbee, rollerblading and kickboxing and she has a science degree as well.  I really love her character design which allows you to tell a lot about her just by looking at her. She has sort of a punk style look which really fits with her personality and you know right away from her disinterested surly stare that she has dry sarcastic wit to her. 

Gogo's heroine outfit is made for speed with wheels attached to her boots that allow her to zip around really fast. The discs on her costume's arms are detachable and she uses them as projectiles.

A fun bit of trivia is that she is voiced by Actress Jamie Chung who plays Blink in the Gifted television series, Mulan in Once upon a Time and Chi Chi in Dragon Ball evolution. ^_^

Ok everyone... I'm not done with Big Hero 6 yet...there are actually some more scenes in this episode which you'll see in tomorrow's post. ^_^ On that note as always... more to come soon!


  1. We need a month dedicated soley to Disney Girls feet

  2. Good one King. Match should love this one too.

    1. Thanks Dan. ^_^ Yeah he recommended all the scenes used in this tribute. It really was a great find. ^_^

  3. Much prefer the Disney design over the comic version. As for Honey Lemon, I prefer both.

    1. Yeah the Disney designs for this series are great. ^_^ I haven't had a chance to read the comic version of this but it looks fun. ^_^

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