Friday, August 16, 2019

Fate/Grand Order: Saber of Red/Mordred (Figure)

Like I said... I left a few surprises for all of you. ^_^ I scheduled a couple more figure posts in advanced to go out while I was away just to keep the series going. :-D This week's character is Mordred aka Red Saber from the Fate series. ^_^

(As usual...these are various webfinds of this character. :-D)

Custom can probably give some more info on the Fate series than I can but this is the info I have on Saber of Red courtesy of the Fate Wiki. She's known as the "Knight of Treachery" and the "rare villain" who tarnished the end of a legend. Her real name is Mordred. In a similar fashion to the Arthurian legend she is based on, Mordred is the daughter of  Artoria (Saber) in the Fate series. She was raised by her mother Morgan Le Fay and battles Artoria because she believe the King deprived her of her birthright as heir to the throne.

Saber of Red's personality is prideful and she like to boast that nobody could defeat her. She seems like a cool character and one that would be fun to be dominated by. ^_^ 

The model that inspired this tribute was Sailor version figure of this character. Here are the specs for it:
Fate/Grand Order Mordred Sailor Uniform Version
Size: 1/7th Scale (23cm)
Manufactured by: Easy Eight
Material: PVC

As a Sailor moon fan, this model seems really hot. It definitely appeals to multiple fetishes showcasing Mordred simultaneously in a schoolgirl outfit and barefoot. One interesting thing about this model is that it depicts Mordred scrunching her toes. Most barefoot models tend to depict the female character with her toes straightened out. It is a nice variation from what we are used to and definitely nice to look at particularly when staring at her soles. It helps to inspire one's imagination. Picture this character putting her feet in your face scrunching up her soles that as she uses her feet to play with your nose. :-D

Alright everyone. That's all for now. As always though more to come soon!


  1. I much prefer original Saber, but I still love this more fun cocky version of her.

    1. You mean Artoria Pendragon form Fate stay night?

    2. Yep.
      I'm always forgetting that's her actual name, thanks for the reminder.

  2. Looking forward to Ishtar personally. Especially with the Babylonia anime coming out in October.

  3. One of my favorite Sabers alongside Sakura Saber (Okita Souji) and Nero. 8D
