Saturday, August 10, 2019

Fire Emblem Three Houses: Sothis

Update: 5 variants and images added from the Fire Emblem Wiki.

When I was talking about game models last week I was recommended a cool new character from Fire Emblem Three Houses. With a nickname like the "Shoeless Sorceress" you know this character is definitely a treat for foot fans. ^_^
(Special Thanks to Layne for recommending this character. ^_^)

A mysterious being who appears in the dreams of the main characters for Fire Emblem Three Houses, Sothis has no memories of her past or identity. She talks to the characters as if she lives in their minds and helps them during the game. No one else seems aware of her existence. 

Fire Emblem Three Houses was just released recently and it looks like a fun game. :-) Between Azura and Sothis, the Fire Emblem has been doing an amazing job of showing off barefoot characters in its later games.

Ok everyone... hope you guys enjoyed this post and still more to come.  :-)


  1. King, have you ever played an Fire Emblem game?

    1. Yes. I played the original with my brother.

    2. I thought it was fun. It was similiar to Advance wars in gameplay but had a fantasy setting.

    3. It is a strategy game with RPG elements. ^_^

    4. I tried to get into it but I didn't like it that much.

    5. Maybe you prefer a genre than the strategy ones. RPGS are good too. :-)

    6. More like arcade fighting and racing games.

    7. I like the women from Street Fighter, Tekken, Soul Calibur and Virtua Fighter.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Shoeless Sorceress, huh? That's an nice entitlement.

  4. Wasn't really interested in the game until now XD

  5. I like her ankle jewellery. It's great seeing a barefooter wearing ankle bracelets and the sort.

  6. Got to love it when they emphasize the fact shes a barefooter

  7. Nice collection! And I wonder where that nickname came from?

    1. Thanks again for recommending her Layne. :-) Yeah I guessing she got it because she doesn't wear shoes. It is a nice that it was noted when nicknaming her. ^_^

    2. Well, I’ve never heard that nickname before. I know she calls herself The Beginning, and her Heroes title is Girl on the Throne. Did that nickname come from somewhere?

    3. Came across it researching the character for the tribute. See Destructoid article. It is probably used as a way to introduce her without spoiling information about her identity in the games. Plus it has a nice alliteration. ^_^

    4. Ah, fair enough. It is a neat title, and there are other spoileriffic titles for her, so I’ll let it slide.

    5. It's hard to do an link on replies.

    6. Yes... you have to enter the html by hand.

    7. you you have to use the anchor and href tags to set up the link.

  8. I've been playing this game for a week now and it's pretty good, IMO.

    And sometimes, Sothis will be stationarily floating in the protagonist's room. You can put the camera in 1st person mode and stare at her feet for as long as you want XD

    I highly recommend this game.

  9. I want to thank you, KingsSideCastle.

    If it wasn't for this post, I probably never would've decided to give Fire Emblem: Three Houses a try.

    It's one of the best games I've played on the Switch. I just started a second playthrough.

    So, thank you.

    1. He should get that message when he returns in November.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
