Friday, August 2, 2019

Fresh Pretty Cure!: Miki Aono

Also known as "Cure Berry", she's an student in Private Torigoe Academy for exceptionally talented performers due to her athletic and fashion skills. She is elegant and mature who tried to keep a flawless and graceful side of herself openly at all times regrading the situation. She is naturally charming and enjoys teasing those she cares for, showing a sense of humor despite her more serious nature in comparison to her friends. She also have a fear of octopuses. As Cure Berry, her abilities are water-type and had her signature attack, Espoir Shower, which is later upgraded to Espoir Shower Fresh after getting the Berry Sword. Episodes 2, 10, 17, and 33.

Episode 2

Episode 10

Episode 17

Episode 33



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Everyone's so cute and bubbly in this series.

  3. Cool, I don't often see the blue ones with Violet hair, it's mostly just dark blue and purple.

  4. Wow I love her!!! Can you upload higashi setsuna?? Feet close up too??

  5. O.O Very nice. :-D Great post Custom.

    1. Setsuna or Cure Passion in this series got the best foot shots.

    2. This guy, 남자이현명 (Man Wise), is begging me to do more PreCure posts and you don't seem to mind the pain I had to remember which episode are the foot shots from.

    3. You seem to be doing a really good job finding the scenes. ^_^
