Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Heel Turns Vol. 1: Princess Jasmine

Welcome to a new Anime Feet segment. This one is called Heel Turns and takes a look at what happens when heroines turn bad. :-) Heroines tend to be kindhearted and reserved so it is sometimes fun for writers to twist that around and have them take on a villain role. It is usually really enjoyable for the audience as well because "Bad girls" tend to be more playful, dominating and aware of how sexy they are. :-) Anyway to kick off this segment... let's start with the woman who inspired it Princess Jasmine. :-)
Jasmine's heel turn occurs in the Aladdin Cartoon series episode "Forget me Lots" (Season 1 episode 21). She winds getting exposed to the blue flower of forgetfulness which gives her amnesia and the villain Abyss Mal convinces her that she is his daughter. 
As a villain, Jasmine is shown to be incredibly dangerous. She maintains all of Jasmine's natural abilities such as her acrobatic skills and intelligence. :-) She also has the ability to use the Blue Rose of Forgetfulness to hypnotize an opponent which she uses on the Tiger Rajah keeping him under her control as her pet. She is able to easily take the throne from her father the Sultan and assume the leadership role among Abyss Mal's band of villains. 
We get to see Jasmine doing a lot of dominating things this episode such as wielding a whip and taunting tied up captives. 
We even get a scene of her trampling Aladdin during a fight. ^_^
Of course I wouldn't do a tribute to Princess Jasmine with posting some barefoot images of her. ^_^ These are from another episode called Elemental Dear Jasmine where she takes on a giant Octopus underwater.:-)
The octopus winds up pulling off Jasmine's shoe when he attempts to grab her. ^_^
Some Animations

More of Jasmine's feet can be found in this earlier tribute to the character here:

Jasmine actually makes a really sexy villainess. ^_^ I wouldn't mind getting dominated by her and made into her footslave. Part of the inspiration for this series was a  fanfiction interactive story written by the author Qwertyers on writing.com that involved Jasmine turning evil and taking over the world. Sadly the story is not longer on there but it did have some great foot domination moments from her in it. It immediately made me think of the "Blue rose of forgetfulness" episode. ^_^ 

Anyway if you liked this segment let me know. I'm planning to do a few more of these in the future. Also if you have any "Heel turns" that you want me to cover let me know as well and I'll attempt to do those characters. ^_^

Ok everyone that's all for now. As always though... more to come soon!


  1. Actually, I do like action girls with a friendly personality but hated when they become evil and starts killing or destroying life.

    1. :-) Luckily Aladdin is able to get Jasmine back to normal at the end of the episode by remembering an important event.

  2. Lieselotte Werckmeister matches perfectly in this section, she has the exciting attribute of becoming a barefooter when she turns into a villain. Give her a look if you can

    1. @Trony: I apologize for accusing you of being Bambino. I've been wanting to say that for a while now. He is a truly horrible person, and you are clearly not him. Good suggestion with Lieselotte BTW.

      @KSC: Good topic. Even though I hate it when heroines go bad, it's always rewarding bringing them to their senses, or finding out it was all a trick.

    2. Thanks Dan. ^_^ It's a fun angle to approach these character. Yes seeing a character return to normal afterwards is usually a dramatic and rewarding experience. I love trick episodes too. Those are usually great reveals. ^_^

    3. Don't worry about that Dan, it doesn't bother me if anyone thinks I'm another person. Also, for everyone in this blog, I'm sorry for being rude sometimes with some posts, I might criticize them because I disagree with the content (fan fiction or pictures of the pc screen taken with a phone with a poor quality), my intention is that this blog keeps being great with quality material, that's all. I'll try to be polite and write any critic with more subtle words so no one gets offended. I follow this blog since 2010, and I don't want it to decay.
