Friday, August 30, 2019

Shamanic Princess: Lena

Tiara's childhood friend and rival, she can perform magic, summons, and fight by playing a flute. Unlike Tiara, she is much calmer and collective and while much admired for her accomplishments she harbors feeling of inferiority towards Tiara, partly because Tiara's magic seems to be stronger. With support from the Throne of Yord, and like Tiara, she too can become a demonic creature during battles. Her mission was to retrieve the Throne and Kagetsu, but later eventually joining forces with him, due to her affection for her childhood friend Sara which led to a misleading with Tiara, and ended up fighting her on two occasions, enraged that Tiara could so coldly refuse to help her best friend and ex-lover.


  1. I love Lena. Glad you did what you could with her.

    1. Yeah, I know. Do you like to reply to every post out?

    2. Most of them. It boosts the morale of the authors. And I mean every word.

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