Monday, September 16, 2019

Ashigei Shoujo Komura-San: Chapter 36 Highlights

Welcome back to the foot fetish manga, Ashigei Shoujo Komura-San, in this chapter, Uzune showcased Komura's childhood from her photo album and an surprise for us foot fans.
No New Foot Abilities shown in this chapter other than Komura's childhood memories and her brother, Homura, must be as great as she is with his feet. But I had a hard time editing with this one because I was trying to get pass the radar on censorship but this is an ecchi manga.


  1. Dude i already told it was censored on the book

    1. I know that but still the blog might not take it.

    2. How puritanical...

    3. @PsychoReload: What do you mean by puritanical?

      @Dean: Yeah, I don't know if the blog allows this edited version even though it was edited a bit outside of that.

  2. Okay Mrs. Robinson, I know you're trying to seduce me now. Run away now pal! That's a reference to the movie The Graduate, for anyone who doesn't know.

    1. Do you always bring up stuff that nobody had heard or seen before?

    2. I knew what Dan was talking about. I was also going to make a "Mrs. Robinson" comment. But Dan beat me to it.
