Saturday, September 21, 2019

Clannad Foot Festival

Welcome back to Week 3 of Visual Novel Month, this episode of the Foot Festival series, we will be tearjerking our eyes at this sad but heartwarming series called Clannad, I had never seen the anime despite the many reviews of how sad it was. If you want check out KingsSideCastle's posts on the anime of this visual novel, he has a ton of stuff.


  1. Bad post. Put some pic at least. What a lack of respect for so many franchise so far. A festival is a a celebration. Stop if no one is celebrating.

    1. Why is that matter? This is really written posts, not pictured ones.

    2. Yeah, come on Zainab, no disrespect is intended. There are a great many discussions here without pictures. And these foot festivals have been a Mainstay for a while now. I've never actually seen Clannad, but I heard it's a real tearjerker, and it shows how precious life really is.

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