Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Heel Turns Vol. 2: Sam Manson

No I'm not back yet... but I did schedule a few other sets besides the figure ones to go out while I was away. ^_^ It is time for Heel Turns volume II.

Sam takes on a villainess role in the Danny Phantom episode "Urban Jungle" where the plant themed ghost Undergrowth brainwashes her and makes her his second in command. As an added perk Sam's villain outfit was initially barefoot. O.O
One Animation
(These are from Danny Phantom Episode 43 )

More of Sam's feet can be found in this tribute to her character here:

I love the Poison Ivy Look Sam has going on here. She is so hot!! There's definitely a sexy bondage vibe to her villain character as well with the vine whips and human slaves motif that she has going. Keep to in mind that as an sexy goth, Sam is already really attractive to begin with. This cosplay just pushes her awesomeness off the charts. ^_^

Being under Undergrowth's control, Sam's free will as a "Bad girl" is limited but she's shown to be quite formidable. Her and Overgrowth successfully force Danny to go into hiding and take over the planet while he was away. It is only thanks to developing new powers that Danny is able to stop the two of them but it was an incredibly close call. ^_^

One of her most dangerously tempting moments in the episode is when Sam has Danny collapsed at her feet and she attempts to persuade him to give up and rule by her side. I don't know if I would have been able to resist such an offer. ^_^;

Ok everyone... that all for now but as always more to come. ^_^ 


  1. Replies
    1. There have been rumors of a sequel series with the characters aged 10 years

    2. I don't know if there will be one since Butch Hartman left Nickelodeon.

  2. So wish she kept the powers and became a battle couple with Danny

  3. Ugh, four-toed Western cartoon feet that aren't even well-drawn...

    Thumbs down

    1. Why do you hate American cartoon feet because of that?
