Friday, September 13, 2019

PriPara: Shion Todo (Figure)

This  week's Figure Feet Friday model is a cute purple haired character from Pripara showing off her body in a swimsuit. ^_^
(Various webfinds of this Model)
Model Specs
PriPara Shion Todo: Swimsuit Version
Series: PriPara
Size: 1/12th Scale (65mm/2.6in)
Manufacturer: Freeing

This model is pretty small but it looks really cute and well detailed. I always love purple haired characters. I think there is something really exotic to that color. Shion looks really nice. ^_^ I haven't gotten a chance to watch the Anime PriPara but it seems cool. It is about Teenage idols. The swimsuit that Shion wears is based on scenes in the anime so the series definitely has its share of fanservice. It might be worth checking out. ^_^


1 comment:

  1. I wanted to do Pripara posts depending on whether or not you would allow me.
