Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Sakura Trick: Haruka Takayama

She's Yu's closest friend since junior high school, She often pushes Yu to satisfy her demands unknowingly such as kissing her just to keep her quiet although Yu began to do it more frequently without Haruka's personal request. She can be jealous at times and tenacious and has feelings towards Yu, she also is more affected by their seating arrangement than her friend is. She also can fantasize about her friend in almost every situation. However, she is more insecure about how she would get along with other people.

About this post on Haruka from Sakura Trick, it was extremely difficult to make because I had to rearrange some pictures to match the scenes and I had to thank GumballW for letting me borrow his stuff for my own posts. Seriously, it took me forever to fix all of this.


  1. I think all your work paid off. This is truly awesome!

  2. I was going to wait until the second season of Zombie Land Saga came out before reopening my crunchyroll account.

    But I might reopen it just to watch this.

    1. What happened to it? Did you get suspended?

    2. No. I cancelled it because there are no animes that interest me right now.
