Friday, September 6, 2019

The Last of the Summer Feet

As fall approaches, summer time is almost over and which that means it’s time for girls and women to put those well-worn feet of theirs back into some closed-toe shoes (no more flip-flops, sandals and open-toed footwear). As we, fans of female feet say goodbye to beautiful sandals until next spring and hauling out their fall kicks, take some time to give ladies' feet a little TLC at home and wherever you rest at. Foot Fetishist out there, don't worry, you guys can still enjoy female feet in the fall and winter, it's just not with open-toed heels and sandals but with boots, socks, pumps and sneakers instead. My point is that this is the last time to enjoy the foot paradise of summertime until next year and you can tell how is your summer vacation here on this post. In the meantime, here are some summer anime foot love.


  1. Not the end for me, since I have a few summer posts left.

  2. Replies
    1. This is just for the last few days of summer even after school starts.

  3. Fortunately for me, my girlfriend lets me play with her feet, I don't have to wait until the next spring for her to wear sandals again :p

    1. Oh yeah, lots of girls do that year round. As long as it's warm indoors, it doesn't have to be spring or summer.

    2. So foot fetish stuff on girls is all year long?
