Monday, October 28, 2019

Ashigei Shoujo Komura-San: Chapter 42 Highlights

Continuing where the last chapter left off, Tsukinaga was forced to be Lulue's butler while she is training to beat Komura in foot acrobatics.
Again, like the previous chapter, no Foot Skills or Abilities appeared in this one. Lulue is determined to beat Komura in foot acrobatics.


  1. Go away Lulue. You ruin the story. Still, it makes you want to see what will happen next.

    1. Sorry but i disagree with both of you.

    2. Dean, why do you disagree with the both of us?

    3. Because the way I see it she's actually a good rival it doesn't matter if she's rich it doesn't matter if she uses bad language all the time what matters is she's a very rival for Komura-san
      And she tried to be the best at everything that's what a rival does.

    4. You want Komura to have some competition on foot skills?

    5. Yeah sure it'd be more interesting

    6. I get where you're coming from Dean. I just have a feeling she has some ulterior and Sinister motives behind her actions. I can give her the benefit of the doubt for now, but all bets are off if she starts resorting to physical violence to get what she wants.

    7. I see what you mean Dan but no offense I think you're looking too far into it I'd highly doubt the Creator would make her be like that.

    8. You're probably right. Kaworu and Mana didn't do any such thing in the Shinji Ikari Raising Project. They just somewhat tried to interfere. The only one who invoked profanity and violence was Asuka, and she's the main co-love interest along with Rei. Lots of similarities between that manga and this one.

    9. @Dan: So you're uneasy about all of this with Lulue?

    10. Not uneasy, just being a little cautious.

    11. So you rather keep you guard up for anything?

    12. The only thing is those are different from each other.

    13. Dean, maybe Lulue is good at other things.

    14. Custom, she probably is but at least it makes the manga interesting for the main character to have a rival.

    15. I see. I don't have a problem with that, Dean. I would like to see if she can match Komura's foot skills.

    16. Dean, your Isanami post was awesome! Such lovely feet, toes and soles.

    17. @Dan: I am happy to see those feet again.

  2. That's because this is basically a fan service manga. Please refrain from using profanity here, there's no reason for that.

  3. I don't know why he swears like that and not everyone is in this manga just for the feet but for the character focus.

  4. Wow, two chapters with pretty much no Komura.

    This Lulue bee-otch better not do anything that sabotages Tsukinaga and Komura's relationship.

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