Saturday, October 26, 2019

Brave 10: Anastasia

Saizo's childhood friend and as well one of the Sanada's 10 warriors.

A beautiful Russian girl and female member of the Iga ninja, she uses ice magic and is capable of freezing water and mist in an instant, thus earning her the name "Anastasia the Frozen Flower." She targeted Yukimura but was defeated, so she decided to join him. Both Saizo and Sasuke call her "Ana."

She is very playful and cunning in nature, but also becomes serious when the moment calls for it.


  1. Unusual footwear for an ice mage. But it works out for us. What a babe!

    1. I remember watching this anime when it came out 7 years ago. It was pretty cool. I wonder anyone who actually knows this anime.

    2. I finished the entire anime but I do wish it was an English dub

    3. Sadly, that never happened and I forgot about this anime years later.

    4. Like Sengoku Basara got an English Dub.

    5. I only saw the first two seasons and movie. I wanted to do that anime in the near future.

    6. Well can you go ahead and make a draft out of it

  2. Too bad, the first pics were pretty decent, until the pants and footwear came along.

    1. You only want to see girls barefoot?

    2. @MP: Sorry you're not a fan of that. Match and I really love the long pants. It's a weakness of mine.

    3. They look fine to me. I never paid attention to their feet back then.

    4. Well actually, barefoot or not, I do in fact have a preference for more skin showing on legs instead of long pants. If you allow me to make a little comparison, to me it's kinda like muslim women entirely covered in a burka, it's not really appealing to me if everything is covered, cause then the beauty and the good sight are all hidden obviously, and I'm not too interested by that. I believe the appeal of women feet is much better exploited when at least the legs are uncovered above the feet (this is why I absolutely freakin love the capri pants/jeans and bare feet combo on girls and women, this one is my personal ultimate weakness in terms of foot fetishism).

    5. Well that's good reasoning there MP. Thanks for clearing that up. And I agree, it's absolutely disgusting how Muslim women are treated like second-class citizens, even in this country. They're forced to wear that burka clothing you speak of, while their husbands can wear whatever they want. And they're forced to walk behind them. I just can't stand seeing that. There should be laws preventing that here, but unfortunately we're not going to solve all the world's problems here anytime soon. The capri pants and jeans look you mentioned is a nice touch as well.

    6. Yeah I really look into this combo on anime girls and always hope to find it in some animes, cause it's kinda lacking or not exploited enough in anime in my opinion, but I guess it's too much to azk to please one specific viewer among millions, so I just enjoy what I can.
      Now to speak a bit about Islam, I'm not really fond of doing it here, and you guys who manage the site might not be either, but I feel like clearing out some things for everybody's sake here, again if you allow me. You summed up the problem of how muslim women are treated, compared to men, perfectly. Now I say to all of you, do like Dan and keep viewing Islam as bad, cause it's exactly what it is, the worst totalitarist system along Nazism, and trust me I know what I'm talking about. There are way too many things to say on Islam, but the main idea is this : never root, in any way, at any time, for Islam, cause it certainly won't pity the non believers that you all are in its eyes.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. That's up to the moderators Thomas. KSC and Match are the only ones who can give you access to contributing to the blog. They weren't really accepting anyone new at the moment, but KSC should be back within the month, and may be able to give you an answer.
