Friday, October 18, 2019

Is That a Zombie?: Haruna (Figure)

This week's figure is the cute female lead female from the anime "Is that a Zombie?" aka "Kore wa Zombie Desuka?".
(Various Webfinds of this Model)

Model Specs
Beach Queens Zombie Haruna Swimsuit Version
Size: 1/10th Scale, 15cm
Material: PVC
Series: Beach Queens
Manufactured by: Wave

You know if a character wields a chainsaw they have to be pretty badass though they usually don't look quite this cute. ^_^ Haruna is gorgeous and she has magical abilities which make her even cooler. I only skimmed her bio a little bit because "Is that a Zombie?" seems like it would be an interesting anime to watch and I wanted to avoid spoiling it for myself. I have checked through the drafts on the blog though and seen her name so there will be an upcoming post dedicated to her in the future if there isn't one out already. ^_^

As the specs show ...This model is from the Beach Queens line who once again manage to fulfill our swimsuit fantasies involving female anime characters. ^_^


  1. Personally, I didn't care for her but she wasn't the worst. Seraphim was, I could not stand her due to her terribly, revolting harsh personality.

  2. Really good foot scene in the first episode
