Friday, October 4, 2019

Keychan update

So i recently acquired a psvr (playstion VR)
And holey Crap I love it!!! The camera censorship is annoying but I found a demo on my japanese account. I'll be posting it sometime tomorrow. If you guys have any idea of what game I could but that has the tootsies showing please let me know.

Now that I got a full time job and settled down in my apt I'm gonna start posting more often.


  1. Sounds great Keychan. It'll be a nice change of pace around here.

    1. Thanks I've been wanting to post stuff for a while now. Btw what happened to the other animefeet site? I'm kinda behind on that one

    2. You mean the Fandom one? The stupid fandom police shut it down months ago. All my hard work that I contributed to it, lost. Thankfully a lot of it is here, but gumballs images of them on his posts are at a reduced aspect ratio for some reason. I'm still curious as to where he found them. Whether it was the fandom site, or somewhere else. However some of the fans of the fandom site are trying to revive it on Miraheze. I brought my Haruka images back on there on this page:

      They even made me an administrator. They're looking for all the help they can get. They're good guys there and they'd love to talk to you.

    3. Yea I've quickly looked at the site and I don't like it cause it dosent load most pics and when I click on a pic it doesn't show😒

    4. Yeah, that's because most of the images haven't been uploaded to the site. Delta and Tycio hope to get more memory there sometime in the future. However, thankfully somebody archived a lot of the content from the old site in a 7z file which can be accessed here:

      It's very large obviously, and I think you need an app to unzip it. I'll have to try my luck with it.

    5. Oh wow didnt know I'll definitely check it out

    6. I do wish that there were more friendly posts.

    7. Also, Keychan, do you think that loving feet mostly female ones is unacceptable to society and the public?

    8. Probably cause other people find it weird
