Thursday, November 21, 2019

Angel Links: Meifon Li

She's the main protagonist, she is the leader of the pirate-fighting squad called, "Angel Links". She is an serious yet lovely girl who knows how to get the job done during missions. She is an expert martial artist and an powerful swordswoman, her partner is Taffei, who hides under her big bust until he is needed. She was modeled after the likeness of Chenho Li's late granddaughter, Meifon Li, after she died by Goryu.


  1. She's awesome! I watched Outlaw Star, awesome series, but I never watched this one. It may be worth checking out.

    1. It's an spinoff series that came out in 1999, they take place in the same universe despite little connections.

    2. I knew that, and I remember Duuz and Valeria well. They're the only two from Outlaw Star that make appearances. I guess this focuses more on the space forces or the private security force instead of the Outlaws. Duuz did mention Angel Links in his only appearance in Outlaw Star.

    3. Then why did you said that you never watched this anime?

    4. Because I never have. I've seen trailers for it and I read about it. Shame there's like no connection to Outlaw Star. Would love to have seen Gene and Melfina again.

    5. So you only know this anime from trailers and nothing else?

    6. So to you, there's no need to watch it?

    7. I don't know, I'm kind of on the fence.

    8. I saw it along with Cowboy Bebop back in 2011.

  2. Replies
    1. @KSC: Have you seen my emails with my story and the King Side Road reference? It's understandable if you haven't as right now is a busy time for all of us with Thanksgiving and the holidays right around the corner. And I did make a mistake, the World Records episode I spoke of was actually from 1985 not 1986.

    2. O.O I think I missed that e-mail. Let me try to find it. :-)
