Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Carole & Tuesday: Tuesday Simmons

She's a rich girl who ran away from home in order to not be a part of her mother's strict rules of being an politician, instead of become a musician until meeting Carole for the first time at Alba City. She can be a klutz at times from making messes to tripping over things but she is sweet towards her friends. She plays the Gibson acoustic guitar she carries along with her suitcase. These are from Episodes 2 to 6.

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Episode 5

Episode 6



  1. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, I'll admire her feet any day.

  2. The Slipping scene reminded me of Elfin Lied Episode 3 when Mew slipped and her right sole went up in the air 😂☺
