Friday, November 22, 2019

Miru Tights: Okuzumi Yuiko

A special figure this week... the lovely teacher Okuzumi Yuiko from Miru tights :-D
(Various webfinds of this character)

More of Okuzumi Yuiko's feet can be found in this earlier tribute here:
and more of Miru Tights are available using the Miru tights label below:

It is nice to see a fetish anime like Miru Tight get some figure love. :-) This attractive teacher is my favorite character in the series and love that they gave her removable footwear. :-D So hot!!


  1. A lot of people prefer bare feet instead of stockings or socked feet on this anime so I can't help but to feel a bit disappointed over this.

    1. :-D Bare feet are definitely the most popular.

    2. So are the posts from this anime bad?

    3. I still have to watch it... It looks nice though. I liked Stockinged feet in addition to bare feet.

    4. Really, King? I thought the stockinged feet can still be sexy.

    5. I don't know why people hate this woman and the anime she is from due to almost non-barefooted scenes.

    6. Then why people hated this anime?

    7. I don't know... I still have to watch this one.

  2. Replies
    1. I can really see that already. So bare feet for the win?

    2. I still need to watch this one. :-D I seems to have a lot of fetish scenes though.

    3. It not all that great to me King
      Have you seen my gmail

    4. Oh... I'll try to give it a shot.

      Yes... I think I'm caught up now.

    5. King, the episodes themselves is around 4 minutes long so the anime is pretty short.

    6. Of course it is, it won't take long to finish it.

  3. I used to have a couple of young teachers who used to sit like that.

    I wasn't into older women,but it was hard not to look away, I bet some of were well aware too and did it on purpose.

    1. Nice. ^_^

      My own teachers varied wildly. I had a few attractive ones in highschool that I had crushes on. Didn't get to see any moments like this though. Some sandal moments and swimsuit moments when they were proctoring our senior trip though.

    2. I see. I do remember some of my teachers in middle and high school who has lovely feet in heels and sandals, one Algebra teacher has red-painted toenails which I was daydreaming in 1st bell in the mornings.

    3. King then you had the best moments compared to mine. lol 👍

    4. @Custom That's neat.

      @Chris Some nice moments... They tend to be rare because winters in New York tended to be pretty cold. Only get opportunities in the spring.
