Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Rescuers: Penny

The tritagonist of Disney's 1977 film The Rescuers, serving as the representation that anyone's dreams can come true if one has enough faith. A lonely six-year-old orphan girl, residing at Morningside Orphanage in New York City. She was kidnapped by Madame Medusa and taken to the Devil's Bayou swampland in Louisiana in an attempt to retrieve the world's largest diamond, the Devil's Eye. Penny is a shy little girl, but also rather gutsy and defiant, especially when she stood up to Medusa's crocodiles and Medusa herself while held at gunpoint. She desires to go back to the orphanage so that she can be adopted and gain a family, but is very insecure and fearful about not being liked by any of the families. In the end, she was rescued, and adopted. Penny is truly a warm and kindhearted girl, and one of the bravest Disney characters of all time, in my opinion. I hope you guys like her.


  1. I remember watching this when I was in kindergarten.

    1. Just an absolutely heartbreaking scene when she's up on the deck looking over the Bayou. Beautiful song playing though, called someone's waiting for you. Penny had just about given up hope until Miss Bianca and Bernard showed up. All this over a stupid diamond. And because the passageway to the Pirates cave is too narrow for an adult, she's got a kidnap and innocent little girl just to get what she wants. It's just ridiculous.

    2. Yeah and she has really cute sole.

  2. Dan, do you watch these old Disney movies?

    1. I do. The sequel, The Rescuers Down Under wasn't nearly as good. If you've never seen this film, it's definitely worth a watch.

    2. I think that's the one I missed I don't think I saw part 2 just only the first one

    3. @Dean: Good, you don't need to see that one. The original was the best.

    4. Dan agreed, a lot of Disney sequels tend to suck, especially when it's a straight-to-DVD movie.

    5. Exactly. What Chris said. Although I do praise the performances for the vocals of John Candy, and George C Scott in the sequel. And I'm glad you like it Chris.

    6. Well the sequel of Lion King wasn't too bad I've actually like that one

    7. @Dean: I do agree with you there. And The Lion King 1 1/2 was stupid, but still hilarious.

      But back to Penny now. I wanted to shoot Madame Medusa when she told Penny that no one would adopt a homely child like her. And seeing her cry is just heart-wrenching. But seeing her cheer up when she saw that bright star, and when she met Bernard and Miss Bianca just makes you feel so much better. And I admire the fact she stared death in the face more than once and survived. When she almost drowned in the black hole when the tide came in, and again when Medusa shot at her during the Escape. What makes it all worthwhile is seeing Penny Escape from Medusa, Medusa not getting the diamond (and possibly getting eaten by the crocodiles), and Penny getting adopted in the end. It's also an added bonus to see her Express disgust when Brutus ripped her bloomers, and imitate Medusa with the broom.

    8. Dan: You sure talk a lot on Disney stuff.

    9. I just really love to talk about Penny.

    10. Do you think you would admire her feet?

    11. I already do. But I admire her as a whole more.

    12. Not really a crush, I'm just a big fan of hers.

    13. How can you tell if you're really a fan?

    14. If you like the character, and can't stop thinking about them, you're a fan. You'll know yourself if your fan right away.

    15. Really? What if you're not much one?

    16. So would you ask Penny if you can play with her feet?

    17. No way dude. I would never ask her that. I admire her as a person. I would love to be her friend though.

    18. Do you ever play with her at all? Like something to keep you from being bored?

    19. Sure, I like to entertain my kid friends and relatives with my Akinator app. It's a fun little game where you think of a famous character, like practically anyone, and he can guess who it is just by answering simple yes or no questions. You should check it out, it's in most app stores.

    20. So you're saying that you're good at making friends or babysit kids?

    21. Making friends yes, babysitting not so much on my own. Maybe with older kids, but I never do diapers.

    22. Just kids who are in middle school?

    23. Middle or Elementary. But I've never done it on my own before. When my niece and nephew are older, I hope to give it a shot.

  3. She really is an adorable, amazing girl! I'd be honored to babysit her and play with her feet!

  4. I like the Rescuers movie. ^_^ Great post Dan.

    1. @KSC: Hey, long time no see! I knew you'd like this one. Did you happen to get my card in your email?

    2. Hi Dan. ^_^ I'm still catching up on everything. Let me look for it.
